Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Leadership Mind Map:

LUCT Mind Map :

"My Self as a Leader"
Leadership can be defined as the power (meaning capacity, ability) to inspire others to get involved and take action to achieve a collective ambition or achieve a common goal. This power is conferred by an esteem of authority, trust, reference or mentor who cannot be decreed. Leadership is not backed nor to a status nor to a function or to a level of individual responsibility. This is because others recognize it as such that the leader has the power to make them act.
The art of leadership involves a set of knowledge, values, skills and behavior. Each of us has his own idea what should be the characteristics of an effective leader. Similarly, the groups perceive all differently what "makes" an effective leader. Your group will assess your skills as a leader, and you will succeed perhaps since your characteristics correspond to those your group members prefer.
The Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, appointed me as their new leader for a period of 2 years. They expect me to come out with new ideas to improve their service to students; they also stand to maintain their title as the most creative Higher Learning Institution in Malaysia. So as the new leader, I will make sure to become the best leader by following the characteristic I stated below.
An efficient leader will be followed by the others who are working under him and he also must know about the human nature that will be able to direct people to towards success. Some people say that leadership is a talent that born with us and it can’t be obtained by practicing or studying but they are wrong. Every person in this earth has the leadership in them just it depends on them whether they want to awake it or let it unusable.
In order to lead and set direction as a leader, I must be confident or optimistic as a person in the leadership role so that I also can inspire the confidence of the people that following me and bring out the trust and best effort for the team to complete the work that we assigned to do and I also must believe the abilities of my followers- never ever look down of the followers because without them, you might not have become a leader for them.
The next character of an efficient leader is responsibility. An irresponsible leader can create a disaster if he does not act responsibly. A leader must know that he is responsible if the team is achieving and successful but a good leader will take responsibility if the team is not achieving or not working out. If his team fails he must have the courage of taking the responsibility and should take a steps and measures to solve the problem they facing. The main thing is he should not blame his team members unnecessarily if they are failed.
On the other hand, an efficient leader also must have honesty. People nowadays want to trust their leader and the best way to gain the trust of the followers or team in you is to be honest and trustworthy. In order to gain that, you must go out and display that honesty as an individual. For an example when you do not admit that something that did not work out, you has made a big mistake there. When you are honest you will turn into an influence to other people at work.
A good leader as well as keeping the main goals in focus, able to think analytically which means he must know the objectives of his work. He must view the situation as a whole by keeping the goal in view, he can break it down into  manageable steps and makes progress towards it which will bring them to success. No one likes a slack leader and if you become one, you will not be called as passionate and committed as a leader.
Other than that, as a leader also you must not ever being possessed by the power you get. People often get carried away if they become leader. A good leader always uses the power for the betterment of everyone who works under him and not abuses it for their personal betterment. For an example, A leader that is not possessed with the power will always manage his team by telling them, ”Come on guys, Let’s solve this problem TOGETHER!!” while a person who possessed by the power of leadership will always sit at their chairs and will tell, ”Go and do this work!!”. The leader also must always listen and accept relevant suggestion of his team without minding the position. He should always be a good listener and speaker (ability to question, analyse and observe). He should believe that action will always speak louder than words therefore he should be consistent in his action, his words and his thought as well. He should always be neutral.
As a human, education or skills will never be infinite in our life and this statement will goes to leaders too. As a leader it’s not meant that you already became perfect. A good leader will always take their time to study, and also improve their skill to be better (keep upgrading their self). They must be open to thought, suggestion, solutions, new information’s and change rather than thinking they already know everything.
Last but not least, a good leader should know how to manage their time. An effective leader who always achieves their objective will always check out the time frame within no matter what comes in their way. They will not stop from sticking to these timelines either it’s their family, friends or commitments they do not compromise on their schedule and will manage their time well.
In the nutshell, As a leader for the Limkokwing University of creative Technology, I will come out with the new ideas to improvise the service to the students and also promise that I will maintain the reputation as the most creative Higher Learning Institution in Malaysia by manage my time, be confident and optimistic, not possessed by the power of position as a leader, always upgrading and learn new skills or knowledge, understand my team or colleague well, be a honest leader and also responsible to make the objectives to become successful or achieved.

Random Word Association : 
Associative words
1.    Education: The process of getting the knowledge or skills.
2.    Expression: a particular way of phrasing an idea.
3.    Interchange: mutually give and receiving something
4.    Mention: a speaking or notice of anything.
5.    Publication: information that shared to general public.
6.    Reception: the act of receiving
7.    Talk: a conversation or discussion
8.    Transfer: to move or pass from one place to another
9.    Writing: symbols such as letters that expresses meaning.
10. Translate: to change text or language from one to another.
11. Silence: the act of refraining from speaking.
12. Transmission: send or convey messages or picture.
13. Advice: an opinion recommended or offered as worthy to be followed.
14. Advisement: recommendation of something to someone.
15. Articulation: speaking in clear or effective manner.
16. Communion: a joining together of minds or spirits.
17. Converse: engage in a conversation.
18. Contact: The act of touching physically
19. Intelligence: capacity of mind to understand the principle, fact or meanings
20. Deliver: To bring something to its destination
21. Conversation: exchanges of individual ideas through talking.
1.    Connections: Staffs must have a strong connection with the students.
2.    Contact: Make sure to have eye contacts when talking to anyone.
3.    Conversation: always make a polite conversation.
4.    Delivery: always deliver the information straight to the points.
5.    Intelligence:  make sure you understand the problem and explain it to the students
6.    Link: always link your speech with any data or letters.
7.    Education: always practice to sharpen the talking skills.
8.    Expression: always have the face expression when talking, its make you look interested in the matter.
9.    Interchange: make sure you give the best information and also receive the information without rejecting it
10. Mention: Always mention people with calling them mister or miss.
11. Publication: always share your information to other staffs so they can have an idea when they facing the same problem
12. Reception: Make sure you have nice and tidy reception.
13. Talk: Talk politely to the students even they are rude. Be professional.
14. Transfer: transfer your information to others.
15. Writing: Write a notes so you could remember the problem, will be easier in case you lost the information
16. Translate: if you don’t understand their language, please call any other staffs so they can help you with the language with translating.
17. Silence: Don’t be silence when they asking you a question.
18. Transmission: always convey your speech with evidence.
19. Advice: Advice the students in proper manner if they rude to you.
20. Advisement: always make a good advertisement about Limkokwing university.

Juxtaposition Definition
Juxtaposition is a literary technique in which two or more ideas, places, characters and their actions are placed side by side in a narrative or a poem for the purpose of developing comparisons and contrasts.
In literature, juxtaposition is a useful device for writers to portray their characters in great detail to create suspense and achieve a rhetorical effect. It is a human quality to comprehend one thing easily by comparing it to another. Therefore, a writer can make readers sense “goodness” in a particular character by placing him or her side by side to a character that is predominantly “evil”. Consequently, goodness in one character is highlighted by evil in the other character. Juxtaposition in this case is useful in the development of characters.

Keywords : Leadership Power
Title: a leader should know how to use their power.
Description: A leader must be responsible to manage his staff properly and appoint to them the things that they must do but as a good leader he must join the energy together to make the working place better. For example a good leader will say “let’s do this work together”, while a bad leader will say “do this work!”. So, In LUCT the leader must know how to use their power so it will be easier to manage the services and manage the students.

2- Information
Keywords: information, share.
Title: Always help to back up your colleague by sharing information.
 Description: as a staff at the LUCT, we must be working together no matter what position, department or which place you are. So, we must help and always share the work so it would be finish fast and also have a quality work. Teamwork is always the best solution in the working place and this will make you know a lot of information from the other staff that working in different department. This can solve any problem that you face during your working time. For example you are working in a bursary department and the students asking you about the marketing department- as long you have the information that shared by your colleague you can entertain them and this also will make the students or their parents satisfied.

1.Communication Skills
Keywords: communicate, friendly
Title: communicate friendly to the students.
Description: To be a successful University, the staffs must be friendly to the students with making them comfortable, happy, and satisfied. This will make them talk about our LUCT  services to their friends which will attract more students to come to this University to study which will make this university successful in the future.

Group Members : 
1- Layth Tareq Abdulsattar                                          110038329
2- Ali Alfraih                                                                110039049
3- Daham Saadoun                                                       110041994

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Class Exercise 27th Aug

                    Lightning, Rock, Oil, Spider, Dog, Tree

22 - The lightning hits the rock

86 - The oil tanker is full of spiders

77 - Dogs like to sit beside the tree

Risks Of Youth Using Social Media

WWW = Brain

  • (WWW) logical mind map

  • (Brain) logical mind map 

Essay : 
The brain is controlling the body as same as the word www in the internet controlling a lot of websites.There are a lot of issues due to the bad usage of the internet,and we will try to cover the most dangerous one to the society which is the affection of the internet to the young people.


Using social media becomes a risk to adolescents more often than most adults realize. Most risks fall into the following categories: peer-to-peer; inappropriate content; lack of understanding of online privacy issues; and outside influences of third-party advertising groups.

Cyber bullying and Online Harassment : 
Cyber bullying is deliberately using digital media to communicate false, embarrassing, or hostile information about another person. It is the most common online risk for all teens and is a peer-to-peer risk.
Although “online harassment” is often used interchangeably with the term “cyber bullying,” it is actually a different entity. Current data suggest that online harassment is not as common as offline harassment,and participation in social networking sites does not put most children at risk of online harassment.On the other hand, cyber bullying is quite common, can occur to any young person online, and can cause profound psycho-social outcomes including depression, anxiety, severe isolation, and, tragically, suicide.

Sexting :
Sexting can be defined as “sending, receiving, or forwarding sexually explicit messages, photographs, or images via cell phone, computer, or other digital devices.”Many of these images become distributed rapidly via cell phones or the Internet. This phenomenon does occur among the teen population; a recent survey revealed that 20% of teens have sent or posted nude or semi nude photographs or videos of themselves.Some teens who have engaged in sexting have been threatened or charged with felony child pornography charges, although some states have started characterizing such behaviors as juvenile-law misdemeanors. Additional consequences include school suspension for perpetrators and emotional distress with accompanying mental health conditions for victims. In many circumstances, however, the sexting incident is not shared beyond a small peer group or a couple and is not found to be distressing at all.

Facebook Depression : 
Researchers have proposed a new phenomenon called “Facebook depression,” defined as depression that develops when preteens and teens spend a great deal of time on social media sites, such as Facebook, and then begin to exhibit classic symptoms of depression. Acceptance by and contact with peers is an important element of adolescent life. The intensity of the online world is thought to be a factor that may trigger depression in some adolescents. As with offline depression, preadolescence and adolescents who suffer from Facebook depression are at risk for social isolation and sometimes turn to risky Internet sites and blogs for “help” that may promote substance abuse, unsafe sexual practices, or aggressive or self-destructive behaviors.

The main risk to preadolescence and adolescents online today are risks from each other, risks of improper use of technology, lack of privacy, sharing too much information, or posting false information about themselves or others .These types of behavior put their privacy at risk.
When Internet users visit various Web sites, they can leave behind evidence of which sites they have visited. This collective, ongoing record of one's Web activity is called the “digital footprint.” One of the biggest threats to young people on social media sites is to their digital footprint and future reputations. Preadolescence and adolescents who lack an awareness of privacy issues often post inappropriate messages, pictures, and videos without understanding that “what goes online stays online.” As a result, future jobs and college acceptance may be put into jeopardy by inexperienced and rash clicks of the mouse. Indiscriminate Internet activity also can make children and teenagers easier for marketers and fraudsters to target.

Many social media sites display multiple advertisements such as banner ads, behavior ads (ads that target people on the basis of their Web-browsing behavior), and demographic-based ads (ads that target people on the basis of a specific factor such as age, gender, education, marital status, etc) that influence not only the buying tendencies of preadolescence and adolescents but also their views of what is normal. It is particularly important for parents to be aware of the behavioral ads, because they are common on social media sites and operate by gathering information on the person using a site and then targeting that person's profile to influence purchasing decisions. Such powerful influences start as soon as children begin to go online and post.
 Many online venues are now prohibiting ads on sites where children and adolescents are participating. It is important to educate parents, children, and adolescents about this practice so that children can develop into media-literate consumers and understand how advertisements can easily manipulate them.

It is important that parents evaluate the sites on which their child wishes to participate to be sure that the site is appropriate for that child's age. For sites without age stipulations, however, there is room for negotiation, and parents should evaluate the situation via active conversation with their preadolescence and adolescents.
In general, if a Web site specifies a minimum age for use in its terms of service, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) encourages that age to be respected. Falsifying age has become common practice by some preadolescence and some parents. Parents must be thoughtful about this practice to be sure that they are not sending mixed messages about lying and that online safety is always the main message being emphasized.

Group Members : 
1- Layth Tareq Abdulsattar       110038329
2- Ali Al-fraih                             110039049
3- Daham Saadoun                  110041994